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bands for your events


Golden Rules for the Booking of a band

A band is a group of musicians who have joined together under a uniform name in order to make music together (cf. Wikipedia). Popular and suitable instruments are e.g. drums, bass, keyboard and guitar. This line-up usually forms the basic framework and is often supplemented with singeradditional guitarist or brass section (saxophone, trumpet, trombone etc.). A Addition of wind instruments expands the musical possibilities. A wind instrumentalist can convey very personal emotions and moods on his instrument. Whether instrumental solo pieces with saxophone, trombone or trumpet or just the groovy saxophone solo in a Rock'n Roll, or a brass riff of a brass section in a Blues Brothers number, the versatility of a band increases. A complete brass section is when three horns, usually consisting of trumpet, trombone, and saxophone, complete the band. Extended with a singer, this is the high-end line-up for large dance galas or prominent corporate events. We have already explained the basic line-up of a band with drums, keyboard, bass, guitar. In this line-up many things are possible. There are also deviations from this rule. So in the rock area with a 4 man/woman line-up sometimes a 2nd guitarist is given preference over a keyboard player, or in the jazz area the line-up of pianist, drummer and bassist with wind player or singer is chosen. The jazz combo usually consists of 3 to about 8 musicians in very variable lineups. The rhythm section with piano, bass and drums is extended with guitarist and wind player (trumpet, trombone, saxophone) and/or singer. The style is already defined in the name and is extremely diverse due to the broad possibilities of jazz. A special form of a jazz combo is the so-called Dixieland band. Dixieland developed in the 1910s, mainly by white musicians, from New Orleans jazz. The typical instrumentation consists of a melodic group with trumpet, clarinet and trombone and a rhythm section of piano, double bass or often tuba/sousaphone as well as banjo/guitar and drums. The catchy melodies are expanded by improvisations, also collective improvisations of the melody group. A well-known German representative of this style from the 70s are the Hot Dogs. Live bands can be extremely flexible - even during the song - reacting to the audience. In addition to being true to the original, many of these bands also focus on the arrangement. If the musical craft is right, every piece can become a concert experience and live enjoyment is guaranteed. There should be at least one good lead vocalist in a band, ideally supported by back vocals. Female voices expand the program possibilities enormously. In this line-up, chart hits by female stars or duets by male and female stars can also be authentically reproduced. Cover band is the term for a music group that plays pieces of other mostly very well-known stars, i.e. covers. Bands in this category can usually offer the desired wide-ranging program to entertain at weddings, corporate events, club parties or city or tent festivals. Depending on the band, pieces are performed true to the original or newly arranged in their own interpretation. Both styles have - if well presented - their charm. Here you should judge the selected band on the basis of audio samples or best at a live performance. The tribute band is a special form of the cover band. Bands in this category cover songs of well-known stars, but limit themselves to one style or even to a well-known band (the latter often then called with the addition revival band). Besides cover bands, you will also find bands that compose and play their own songs. From punk, funk, soul, rock, heavy metal, ......here you will find everything! Please note: As the number of musicians increases, the space required on stage increases.

For your events only the best bands

Band, Neuburg an der Donau (DE)
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Sannah and Friends
Band, Stuttgart (DE)
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Vom Gemeindefest bis zur Museumsparty, vom runden Geburtstag bis zur Abteilungsfeier sorgen wir für gute Laune, beste Unterhaltung und tanzende Gäste. Wir spielen die Musik, die wir mögen - von Hendrix bis Ariana Grande. Wir sind gut und anspruchslos, teuer und freundlich, flexibel und professionell. Wir können laut und leise und kümmern uns selbst um unsere Technik. Wenn gewünscht, bringen wir eine komplette Sound- und Lichtanlage mit.
Dance MusicPopRock
Mercey Beats 2.0
Band, Albaching (DE)
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Wir sind eine 5 köpfige Band aus dem Süden Bayerns. Unser Repertoire umfasst Songs aus fünf Jahrzehnten, beginnend in den 60ern. Das umfangreiche Programm kommt bei Publikum und Veranstaltern sehr gut an. Ob Stadtfest, Club oder Hochzeit, "Mercey Beats 2.0" hat immer die richtige musikalische Antwort. Wir spielen alles live, mit viel Erfahrung und hoher musikalischer Qualität. Die meisten unserer Veranstaltungen liegen im Umkreis der Landkreise Miesbach, Rosenheim, Ebersberg, München, Erding, Mühldorf, Traunstein.
PopRockLight MusicDance Music
LOOPS Liveband
Band, Mintraching (DE)
15 Reviews
"LOOPS" - eine der populärsten bayrischen Livebands ist ein Garant für ultimative Partynächte. Open Air oder Mega-Party, wir haben für jeden die passende Musik. Mit perfekt abgestimmten Sounds und einer geballten Ladung Musik-Power garantieren die sympatischen "LOOPSer" Events der Spitzenklasse. LOOPS-Party ist die Antwort gegen Langeweile! Lederhosen und Dirndl-Power, Rock´n Roll bis Pop. Die Bühnenausstrahlung und Präsenz von LOOPS wird Sie und Ihre Gäste begeistern. Publikumsanimation und Spielfreude sind für die Band ein wichtiger Bestandteil jeder Veranstaltung. Live geht richtig die Post ab! Modernste Licht-und Tontechnik harmonisiert mit den fünf Musikern zu einer perfekten "Live-Performance". Professionalität ist oberste Prämisse! Angepasst an Ihre Veranstaltung und Ihr Publikum ist die Band ein optimaler Partner für Bälle, Galas, Hochzeiten, Firmenfeiern, Zeltfeste und Großveranstaltungen jeglicher Art. Sie werden von unserer Flexibilität überrascht sein ? "stellen Sie uns auf die Probe!? Ihre Ohren werden Augen machen, wie perfekt Covermusik ohne "tricksen" klingen kann.
PartyDance MusicLight MusicPop
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